HomeDigital transformationChanging Primary Market on Shopify

Changing Primary Market on Shopify


Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that has been around for over a decade. The platform offers a vast array of features, making it easy for business owners to set up and manage their online stores. However, if you’re running an international business, you may find that you need to change your primary market on Shopify.

Why Switch Your Primary Market on Shopify?

There are several reasons why you may need to switch your primary market on Shopify. For instance, if you’ve expanded into new territories and want to target customers in those regions, you’ll need to update your store’s settings to reflect your new target market.

Determine Your New Primary Market:

Before you start the process of changing your primary market on Shopify, you need to determine which market you want to target. You should consider factors such as the language, currency, and taxes of the new market, as well as the type of products and services you plan to sell in that region.

Update Your Shopify Settings:

Once you’ve determined your new primary market, you’ll need to update your Shopify settings. To do this, go to your Shopify dashboard and click on “Settings.” Then, click on “General” and select “Locations.”

Add a New Location:

In the “Locations” section, click on the “Add location” button. From there, select the country and currency for your new primary market. You’ll also need to select the tax settings for your new market.

Update Your Payment Settings:

After you’ve added your new location, you’ll need to update your payment settings. Go to the “Payments” section of your Shopify dashboard and select the payment methods you want to use in your new market.

Update Your Shipping Settings:

The final step in changing your primary market on Shopify is to update your shipping settings. Go to the “Shipping” section of your Shopify dashboard and update the shipping rates and methods for your new market.


Changing your primary market on Shopify is a straightforward process that can help you reach new customers and expand your business. By following these steps, you’ll be able to update your store’s settings and start targeting customers in your new primary market. Whether you’re looking to expand into new territories or switch your focus to a new target market, changing your primary market on Shopify is an effective way to grow your business.

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